End of Summer Projects!

August is usually a rush of projects outside as we know summer is coming to a close faster then we are ever ready for it to!

The chicken coop is just about done and the fence is started!

The big kids thought it would be fun to sleep in the coop. This has gone on for a few evenings, and they love it!

We secured this old trailer from from a friends property, and it happens to be the perfect length for a great base to the reconstruction of our bridge. It will be so nice to have again! We take care to distrust the creek as little as possible, as this is a spawning ground for Salmon! This will help keep us crossing with out disturbing the habitat!

Using the Durango to get it into place as close as we can.

Tahlia and Jaspen watching from the safety of the play structure.
Helpers, ready and waiting.
We made it!! Guided with the help of a floating tire on a rope and Grandpa!
Getting it temporarily secured so it stays out of the water and out of the way!
When all is said and done, it will rest just a little higher than this.
Gosh they just love this creak!

Next up, removing this waterlogged log that stretches across the creek. It used to go OVER the water, but has continued to sink into the creek over the years and its time to get it out of the way!

It took a lot of chainsaw work, and I actually dont have an end photo, as I moved inside to start making dinner, But it has been moved. Ended up dragging it out of the creek by the car!

I think the creek is pleased with the changes. The water is already flowing better then it was! Looking forward to some bank restoration come next spring, and getting this creek in tip top shape!

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