
Its been a while since I did a blog update, life has been pretty full and I do plan to go back and post some updates for August-October, so if you get email notifications, be aware some things will be coming through out of order.

At this point, many of you have heard that our family has Covid. I want to just do a quick update on how we are doing, but am going to keep this post blocked for comments, as I do not want anyones opinions on the matter published on my blog. Thank you for understanding!

First things first. We are all doing well!!! I would say we have/had a minor case all around and am thankful for our strong immune systems doing their job. Most of us started feeling a little bit better everyday around day 4 since the positive test. Day 5 was the first day I felt like I had some mental clarity to write down some of these details! So I have been making notes since then and compiling it all together today, 1 week after our positive test. We have had a lot of questions on what our symptoms were/are and how we are assisting our bodies to fight this virus, so I will go over those below.

Symptoms: I’ll list everyone’s separate, with age, just to give you an idea.
*Joseph(Paul) 42- Fevers, headache, vertigo, tired, cough, body aches, loss of taste/smell around day 3/4. Taste starting to return on day 6.
*Aleah 36- Sore throat, fevers, headache, exhaustion, cough, body aches, joints specifically, loss of taste/smell around days 2/3, starting to return on day 4, taste at 75% at 1 week, smell still only about 25%
*Zander 12- Fever (1 day) , exhaustion (Slept about 24 hours straight), cough.
*Drezden 10-Fever(Half a day) Cough, a little drowsy one evening.
*Syler 9- 1 night of being extra tired.
*Ryker 8- Cranky (If that is a symptom?) Slight cough
*Katara 6- Fever, cough, congestion.
*Jaspen 4- Fever, Cough, congestion.
*Tahlia 3- Fever, cough, congestion.

Treatments: Please note, Everyone’s situation is different, this is what was decided on for my family, please speak with your medical care professional for assistance in treating Covid if you get it.
*Everyone- Extra Vitamin C, D and Zinc. Elderberry, Ningxia red, Cherry bark respiratory liquid. Cough suppressant and drops and Pain reliever/fever reducer as needed only. Essential oils ran in the diffuser and rolled on our bodies. Diffuser bounces between oils that support respiratory function and purifying the air, roll on is a combination of Thieves, Geranium, Lemon and Pine or other evergreen oils. Lots of Tea, Fresh air and REST!
*Adults -Also taking NAC, Quercetin, vitamin B complex, inner defense immune support, Aspirin, and (Doctor prescribed) Ivermectin.

Over all, the kids had maybe 1 bad day, and even then, besides Zander, they still had energy! For us adults, we were both pretty exhausted everyday, and the smallest task feeling like a marathon up until about day 5, when I started to feel a little better. At 1 week, Joseph(Paul) is still mostly resting. It’s taking him longer to recover, we just keep him comfortable as best we can and continue to push as many liquids as he will take. We have been monitoring his oxygen levels and they have been just fine!

So far the worst symptoms are probably the off and on headache/fever and the exhaustion… The weirdest symptom is the loss of taste/smell…. It really makes you realize how much we enjoy the taste of food, versus eating just to nourish ourselves. I am THANKFUL for good tasting food and look forward to having that return to my life!!

We have been blessed with friends and neighbors dropping off food and activities/goodies for the kids, for the first 5 days. Not having to cook at least 1 meal a day sure made a huge difference for me! The kids getting a new activity to do always keeps them entertained for hours….. One day they spent majority of the day blowing bubbles in the house (It was too windy for the bubbles outside). They’ve made Halloween decorations, built lego’s, enjoyed a movie everyday, lots of audio books and keeping each other entertained. Thankful they have done so well adjusting while Joseph(Paul) and I heal. I think we will be back to school lessons come Monday!

We hope this finds you well and helps minimize any major concerns you have for us, we really are doing okay! Dogs, cats and chickens are all getting fed as usual, and our wood stove keeps on burning.

Love to all!